Because of the shortage of truly affordable housing, the lower paid members of our community cannot afford to come to live here. This is especially true for the younger people with families.
The provision of truly affordable housing and the widest socio-economic mix of the population will ensure the future sustainability of our town.
Although we have a wide range of ages within our membership, we would particularly welcome younger people on the Board as they can relate better to what their generation needs, provide fresh insights as to their requirements, and give added impetus to achieving the aims of the Trust.
Whatever talent you have (or would like to develop) - it could be web design, fundraising, publicity - we would love to hear from you.
We particularly need people with public relations skills who can generate wider interest in the Trust, which in turn will enable us to raise funds for any housing opportunity that comes our way.
Should you decide to join the Board, your only commitment would be to attend informal board meetings (which last about an hour), plus quarterly formal board meetings (again about an hour). Whatever additional time you can spare formulating plans and ideas for discussion would be up to your discretion and greatly appreciated.
Please, therefore, join the CLT - it's only a £1 and this is for life membership - the application form can be found here.
There can also be fiscal and other benefits for individuals: a donation of money or land will provide a wonderful philanthropic gesture and will almost certainly have tax benefits via Gift Aid or Inheritance Tax Planning. This is explained in greater depth here.